26 October 2011

Stick A Fork in Me???

I have never been good with relationships and anything dealing with the opposite sex; no, I am not gay or bisexual but I have always had a weird relationship with men. I grew up as a tomboy: the only girl out of 6 brothers, watching/playing wrestling, wearing Duckhead jean shorts and Jordans, and playing videogames. I have always been somewhat of a "good friend" or "homegirl" to guys. Now that I have grown up and feeling like a real authentic woman (curves and all) I want the normal renaissance man and woman relationship.

My recent boyfriend of only 5 months, is just that! You know he's not perfect (who is??) but for what I need in order to feel like a real woman he has that; The compliments, the chivalry, and the affection. Being that I'm not used to this WHATSOEVER a lot of the things he does pisses me off! I know right they all do but once again I have no idea what to do in a relationship like this so as a young, black, ambitious female when I don't have to put up with something that I feel I shouldn't I remove myself from the situation. Hence, I break-up!! 

I am a very contemplative person. So before and after I do something I'm constantly thinking about every outcome: Did I handle this in the best way possible, did I hear his side of the story, is there something more that could have been done? This time I quickly came to the conclusion that this relationship is not over! He is too good of a person.

Why Can't Women Ever Be Done?

This pertains to the unhealthy situations that women can't seem to remove their selves from. I was once in a relationship that was not satisfying nor faithful and I continued to try to make it work. It wasn't until the third time I was cheated on (did I say that!) that I had my final straw! Why can't we ever be done when we want to be done! We continue to wonder what could have been or what should have been and we neglect to look at the present situation. Sometimes women (and some men) are so afraid of being lonely that we will endeavor whatever to say that we belong to someone. Sadly enough that thought process alone is enough to keep anyone at the beck and call of another. 

18 October 2011

Mean Girls

To Throw or Not to Throw... Salt that is! I recently got into a heated conversation with a coworker about Beyonce being a Satanic (I know right, who cares!). My whole viewpoint was that I will not conform to a way of thinking about a certain person when I have not gotten to know that person myself. Their is an underground dvd that has been circulating throughout the urban community that states that many industry musicians are devil-worshippers and members of the Illuminati, while that may be the case... I really do not care! I have always been a critical thinker: I do not take things for face value because everything may not be what it seems. I have always looked at situations from different viewpoints, only to come to a conclusion on my own accord; not by the assumptions of others. But what it does seem like is that many women tend to instantly recognize what they think they know and exponentially build off of that. 

Why Do Women Down Other Women?

When the time comes when ALL women understand that we are ALL grown and we make our own decisions that in no (intended) way can effect you, that will be the time when women will stop the woman-on-woman crime. I personally do not care what other women do (unless of course you are of blood relation and/or a close friend and/or of business affiliation) because I know that at the end of the day YOU made a decision based on YOUR own values and how YOU would be affected. I know that I will support ANY woman who is being true to their self, who are making positive moves, and/or who are embracing financial independence in a respectable way.

Remember girls, life is a game of Chess not Checkers...

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