27 September 2011

Quarter-Life Crisis

Being a young college student can be a challenging experience. It will be your first time living away from home and being able to make the majority of your own decisions.  Being that I am a tad bit of a smidgen older than the average college student the outlook of my future is more "reflected on" than the younger cubs. My dilemma has been deciding on a major. I have traveled from Biology to Psychology and now to English Lit. with intentions of changing again! I have been challenged with the journey of trying to discover who I am and what I want to do in life and understandably I still have no clue!

Why Are We More Contemplative About Our Future?

While there are very successful people of both genders it seems that while in the 20's in age females seem to plan more for their future. I can ask a guy "Hey where do you see yourself in 10 years?" and they may say something generic like owning their own business or designing a sneaker line. But ask them how do they plan on getting there... that would take them a minute! Then again, would this way of thinking be as harmful as we might assume? Maybe doing what we have to do now (college, classes [and for some of us] work) and focusing on the present while still being aware of our long term goals could allow for more adventure! Simply by not just limiting our abilities to what we are interested in and being open-minded enough to try new things and step out of our comfort zone.

Like many of you, I just want to be successful. I love positivity, humor and people. Music, Entertainment and Fashion are a passion. Creative Expression is God-given. I make any Moves necessary to ensure that my life involves these specific things. Girls don't always have to stick to what they know but what they can do best. 

Power Girls Make Power Moves!

Power Girls Make Power Moves is a trademark of Olori Swank. To get your Power Girls shirt go to Olori Swank.com

24 September 2011

Better As Bums

Being that this is the first of my blog posts  a formal welcome is required so...


I wanted to begin this blog to see whether there were other girls, females, women, vaginas & uteri out there that witnessed many of the things that I have witnessed (or am witnessing) in day to day life; this very topic for today has been heavy on my mind!

Why is it that when dressed at our worst we as women seem to have men hit on us the most??

I cannot speak for all females but I find myself interacting with guys during the times of utter disbelief in my own beauty! I mean I know I'm pretty of course but do you have to approach me with my high school senior t-shirt on, with my college sweatpants, while rocking my Georgia mud-stained Air Force One's? I have not had any good results with this situation yet! Either the guy ends up only wanting my va-jay-jay or... he only wants my va-jay-jay lol! 

I've heard of "Prettier with no make up on" but our brains (those of us who relish in the use of make-up) are not programmed to "feel attractive" to the opposite sex without some form of "improvement" to help us with that feeling. Maybe we should, as women, give guys somewhat of a pat on the back for actually coming to that conclusion; because don't we actually beautify ourselves with hair appointments and spending racks on racks on racks for make-up just to actually achieve that exact same response from men? I'm referring to the reaction we get when we look like the bum that doesn't stress over our imperfections. 

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