17 December 2011

Fool's Gold

So I just so happen to fall in love with a man: Either he is already wealthy or he becomes wealthy during the time that we're together. We get married, start a family, live a very luxurious life. I'm in the house that I've always wanted, I've had the wedding that I've always planned and we party and network with some of the most well-known names in Hollywood. Basically this is the life!

Oh but wait... He cheats! The thought of him being unfaithful to me seems more than I can bear. Just by listening to everyone else's opinion I should immediately divorce him. We have children to be role models for. I choose to listen to my heart and most importantly adhere to the promise that we both made to God. If you have not been cheated on by someone you love you do not know my pain. There's no way he would ever do that to me again; it's completely out of his system.

It happens again. I'm done. I cannot stand for this. I want a divorce.

Why Am I Being Called A Gold-digger?

Whoa, whoa... Really people? Now I know some gold-diggers (#nocomment) and this is not one of 'em! As a woman (being only interested in your bank account) I'm not a big fan of having two of your kids, sticking with you for 10 1/2 years and going through the public humiliation of your first round of infidelity. This does not fit the role of a gold-digger. Obviously Kobe did not feel this way either, being that they did not sign a prenuptual agreement.

What really constitutes a gold-digger? 
Answers that do not mean anything:
  • Married to a pro athlete
  • Young
  • Wanting half ($) after the divorce

It just throws me to hear that when a woman is dating a man worth money, she is immediately perceived as a gold-digger. Especially after a decade long marriage ending in divorce where she actually receives half of the man's fortune. Not ALL women have that in mind. Actually in this new millennium more women have intentions on making their own millions than being forced to rely on that of their husbands. It just so happens that I am one of them!

In defense of many intelligent, ambitious women, I feel that I have a right to know any and everything about my spouse's future financial plans. Being that according to God and the law we are considered one person.

13 December 2011

B.Y.O.B.-Bite Your Own Butt

Long time, no talk people!! One reason for my absence is as follows:

Ladies! Be Careful Of How You Treat People!!! I will not divulge too deeply into anything personal but always remember that you never know who or what you may need from somebody in the future! Nor do you know what people are capable of. Recently I have been on the receiving end of a couple of jealous female minds. It's weird because I've never had to use the word jealous in defense of myself. Based on the fact that I grew up in the hood... yea exactly! LoL

Women sometimes may feel threatened by other women but GROWN women should then realize that the feeling is natural. It's all about how you perceive that threat: Should I take this, flip it and turn it into a situation that will work out in my favor or will I just connive against this person in order to make myself feel better (and look like a fool)? Ever heard of survival of the fittest? Every living thing is in competition with another, whether it's sperm racing to reach the egg first or grandparents fighting between who names the newborn. 

Why Are Women So Vindictive?

Nothing really against Kimbella (I actually like her, I just think that she doesn't really... um... think! LOL) but her situation fits my current situation. You will reap what you sow! If you continue to put out negative energy that's what you will get back. The same goes for positive energy.

You won't absolutely love everyone in your life that you will encounter but at least have respect and be cordial to everyone for that matter. If you don't want to associate with them, then don't, but if you have to interact with them, especially when working toward a common goal, be cordial (the dictionary definition, not one you made up).

Be prepared to see posts on this very subject in the future so until then remember that...
Karma is a b*tch and she will definitely kick you in the Aye!

02 November 2011

Think Pink

The end of October has come and gone so the smell of Thanksgiving will begin to fill the air (or has begun depending on how hungry you are.) Yes, there were trick-or-treaters and sadly enough, girls dressed as sluts, whores and such calling themselves a celebrity or some cliche animal, abusing this chance to be creative, mature women (???), there were parties galore (I hope you chose to drink responsibly) and the importance of breast cancer prevention will continue to resound in your thoughts... right?

You may not know someone directly affected by this life-taking disease but chances are throughout the remainder of your life, you will. According to Susan G. Komen 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in the their life time. Continue to be mindful and aware of your body, especially if you are a female but remember, you males are susceptible to this disease as well! Yes you guys can get it too...

WizDum Clothing Co. has taken the social responsibility to bring awareness to the younger generation by presenting a brand that will encourage young people to think and gain a better understanding of their surroundings and the importance of the life. Don't let your peers dictate the decisions you make in life; pay attention and formulate your own conclusions but, in order to do that effectively you must...

Do Your Research..

26 October 2011

Stick A Fork in Me???

I have never been good with relationships and anything dealing with the opposite sex; no, I am not gay or bisexual but I have always had a weird relationship with men. I grew up as a tomboy: the only girl out of 6 brothers, watching/playing wrestling, wearing Duckhead jean shorts and Jordans, and playing videogames. I have always been somewhat of a "good friend" or "homegirl" to guys. Now that I have grown up and feeling like a real authentic woman (curves and all) I want the normal renaissance man and woman relationship.

My recent boyfriend of only 5 months, is just that! You know he's not perfect (who is??) but for what I need in order to feel like a real woman he has that; The compliments, the chivalry, and the affection. Being that I'm not used to this WHATSOEVER a lot of the things he does pisses me off! I know right they all do but once again I have no idea what to do in a relationship like this so as a young, black, ambitious female when I don't have to put up with something that I feel I shouldn't I remove myself from the situation. Hence, I break-up!! 

I am a very contemplative person. So before and after I do something I'm constantly thinking about every outcome: Did I handle this in the best way possible, did I hear his side of the story, is there something more that could have been done? This time I quickly came to the conclusion that this relationship is not over! He is too good of a person.

Why Can't Women Ever Be Done?

This pertains to the unhealthy situations that women can't seem to remove their selves from. I was once in a relationship that was not satisfying nor faithful and I continued to try to make it work. It wasn't until the third time I was cheated on (did I say that!) that I had my final straw! Why can't we ever be done when we want to be done! We continue to wonder what could have been or what should have been and we neglect to look at the present situation. Sometimes women (and some men) are so afraid of being lonely that we will endeavor whatever to say that we belong to someone. Sadly enough that thought process alone is enough to keep anyone at the beck and call of another. 

18 October 2011

Mean Girls

To Throw or Not to Throw... Salt that is! I recently got into a heated conversation with a coworker about Beyonce being a Satanic (I know right, who cares!). My whole viewpoint was that I will not conform to a way of thinking about a certain person when I have not gotten to know that person myself. Their is an underground dvd that has been circulating throughout the urban community that states that many industry musicians are devil-worshippers and members of the Illuminati, while that may be the case... I really do not care! I have always been a critical thinker: I do not take things for face value because everything may not be what it seems. I have always looked at situations from different viewpoints, only to come to a conclusion on my own accord; not by the assumptions of others. But what it does seem like is that many women tend to instantly recognize what they think they know and exponentially build off of that. 

Why Do Women Down Other Women?

When the time comes when ALL women understand that we are ALL grown and we make our own decisions that in no (intended) way can effect you, that will be the time when women will stop the woman-on-woman crime. I personally do not care what other women do (unless of course you are of blood relation and/or a close friend and/or of business affiliation) because I know that at the end of the day YOU made a decision based on YOUR own values and how YOU would be affected. I know that I will support ANY woman who is being true to their self, who are making positive moves, and/or who are embracing financial independence in a respectable way.

Remember girls, life is a game of Chess not Checkers...

27 September 2011

Quarter-Life Crisis

Being a young college student can be a challenging experience. It will be your first time living away from home and being able to make the majority of your own decisions.  Being that I am a tad bit of a smidgen older than the average college student the outlook of my future is more "reflected on" than the younger cubs. My dilemma has been deciding on a major. I have traveled from Biology to Psychology and now to English Lit. with intentions of changing again! I have been challenged with the journey of trying to discover who I am and what I want to do in life and understandably I still have no clue!

Why Are We More Contemplative About Our Future?

While there are very successful people of both genders it seems that while in the 20's in age females seem to plan more for their future. I can ask a guy "Hey where do you see yourself in 10 years?" and they may say something generic like owning their own business or designing a sneaker line. But ask them how do they plan on getting there... that would take them a minute! Then again, would this way of thinking be as harmful as we might assume? Maybe doing what we have to do now (college, classes [and for some of us] work) and focusing on the present while still being aware of our long term goals could allow for more adventure! Simply by not just limiting our abilities to what we are interested in and being open-minded enough to try new things and step out of our comfort zone.

Like many of you, I just want to be successful. I love positivity, humor and people. Music, Entertainment and Fashion are a passion. Creative Expression is God-given. I make any Moves necessary to ensure that my life involves these specific things. Girls don't always have to stick to what they know but what they can do best. 

Power Girls Make Power Moves!

Power Girls Make Power Moves is a trademark of Olori Swank. To get your Power Girls shirt go to Olori Swank.com

24 September 2011

Better As Bums

Being that this is the first of my blog posts  a formal welcome is required so...


I wanted to begin this blog to see whether there were other girls, females, women, vaginas & uteri out there that witnessed many of the things that I have witnessed (or am witnessing) in day to day life; this very topic for today has been heavy on my mind!

Why is it that when dressed at our worst we as women seem to have men hit on us the most??

I cannot speak for all females but I find myself interacting with guys during the times of utter disbelief in my own beauty! I mean I know I'm pretty of course but do you have to approach me with my high school senior t-shirt on, with my college sweatpants, while rocking my Georgia mud-stained Air Force One's? I have not had any good results with this situation yet! Either the guy ends up only wanting my va-jay-jay or... he only wants my va-jay-jay lol! 

I've heard of "Prettier with no make up on" but our brains (those of us who relish in the use of make-up) are not programmed to "feel attractive" to the opposite sex without some form of "improvement" to help us with that feeling. Maybe we should, as women, give guys somewhat of a pat on the back for actually coming to that conclusion; because don't we actually beautify ourselves with hair appointments and spending racks on racks on racks for make-up just to actually achieve that exact same response from men? I'm referring to the reaction we get when we look like the bum that doesn't stress over our imperfections. 

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